Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Teens and young adults inevitably go through the rite of passage of getting their wisdom teeth, also called third molars. Third molars are the final set of adult teeth to emerge, and their position at the back of the mouth can sometimes become problematic.

Wisdom teeth are the most posterior (back) teeth. Most people have four wisdom teeth – two on the top and two on the bottom. However, some people only have three, two or even none!

Our dentists at Optim Smile Centre will regularly monitor your teen’s wisdom teeth development using digital radiographs. Regular evaluation helps your dentist determine if wisdom teeth can emerge naturally or if they could interfere with oral health and comfort.

What Problems Are Caused by Wisdom Teeth?


Because the human diet has changed over many centuries, the shape of our jaws and the need for wisdom teeth has also evolved. Hunters and gatherers needed big, bulky teeth for grinding, but today, many people’s jaws are smaller, leaving less room to accommodate third molars.

As a result, wisdom teeth can become symptomatic and cause oral health issues, such as:

  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Overlapping teeth
  • Shifting teeth
  • Jaw pain
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease (periodontitis)
  • Headaches
  • Infection and abscess

When Do You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. Regular evaluations with your Villawood dentist will determine if your wisdom teeth could become symptomatic. Because wisdom teeth are so challenging to reach with a toothbrush and dental floss, some people opt to have them removed as a preventive measure since they are so susceptible to common dental diseases such as infection, periodontal disease and caries (decay).

Moreover, wisdom teeth have to be removed once patients face a common problem that the wisdom teeth can become impacted. Impaction occurs when teeth erupt through the gums unsuccessfully at an angle. Impacted teeth can cause gum soreness that comes and goes as the tooth begins to emerge and then retracts. It can also place pressure on the supporting jawbone and surrounding teeth.


When an impacted wisdom tooth starts to push through the gums, an infection can start around the top of the tooth. Infection and inflammation (swollen red gums) can cause pain, swelling and jaw stiffness.


Sacks of fluid called cysts can form around the tooth and may displace the tooth. The cysts can destroy bone and damage other teeth and gum

Damage To Nearby Molars

An impacted wisdom tooth may keep pushing against the molars next to it. This often leads to serious damage to both teeth.


A wisdom tooth may push nearby teeth out of their correct position and may help to cause crowding of front teeth.

What Is the Procedure for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

At Optim Smile Centre, patient comfort is a top priority. Our gentle dentists aim to provide the most pain-free dental treatment possible. We use topical and local anaesthetics to ensure your comfort for your wisdom tooth removal procedure.

Evaluation of Wisdom Teeth

Once you and your dentist determine it’s time for your wisdom teeth to be extracted, your dental team will take 3-D CBCT x-rays of your entire dental structure. Having a 3-D view of your teeth and bone before dental surgery helps your dentist identify the most effective and comfortable way to remove your wisdom teeth. Digital 3-D x-rays also help identify natural landmarks, such as nerves, so they can safely approach oral surgery.

Sedation for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Sedation dentistry makes it possible for patients with dental anxiety or those who want to sleep through their extraction procedure. Mild sedation, called oral sedation, typically means you will remain conscious during the procedure but have little or no memory of the treatment.

IV sedation is a deeper level of sedation controlled by an anaethesiolgist expert who will monitor your vitals and safety throughout the procedure. With IV sedation, you will sleep comfortably throughout your extraction and have no memory of the procedure.

Because the effects of sedation can linger, you will need someone to take you home after your procedure, and you should rest for the remainder of the day. If sedation is an option that appeals to you, please get in touch with our Optim Smile team to learn more.

When Is Sectioning Wisdom Teeth Necessary?

Sectioning a tooth can sound a bit dramatic, but the procedure is actually straightforward and beneficial for a successful extraction under specific circumstances.

The wisdom tooth is:

  • Impacted in the bone
  • Placing pressure on the jaw
  • $Interfering with adjacent teeth
  • Broken or cracked
  • Having significant decay

Not all wisdom teeth removals require sectioning. We will discuss your unique needs during treatment planning so you know what to expect, and we can answer all of your questions.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Effective aftercare can improve healing times and comfort, as with any major dental procedure. Once you remove your wisdom teeth, swelling and soreness are standard for a few days. You can usually manage this with over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication approved by your doctor.

What Is a Dry Socket and How Can I Prevent It?

A dry socket occurs when the healing clot covering your extraction site becomes dislodged. Unfortunately, a dry socket makes the healing process longer and increases discomfort.

You can best avoid dry sockets by avoiding the following behaviours:

  • Don’t smoke cigarettes, pipes or cigars
  • Avoid using a straw for drinking
  • Treat the area gently and avoid brushing or rinsing too aggressively
  • Avoid brushing the extraction site until it’s healed
  • Eat soft food per your dentist’s instruction
  • Follow your dentist’s recommendation for oral hygiene

What Food and Drink Can I Have after Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After tooth extractions, it is best to stick with soft foods to allow your mouth to heal. It’s also best to avoid hot beverages that can irritate the surgical site. If you need your morning coffee, let it cool first.

Some foods to enjoy during healing:

  • Yoghurt
  • Bananas
  • Ice cream
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Fruit smoothies without seeds
As you heal, you will be able to add more foods back into your diet. While the mouth tends to heal quickly, taking extra care will help the process along.

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